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What countries do you ship to

Local ship USA & China only

I ordered more than one item. Will they all be delivered at the same time

We try to make sure all your items reach you at the same time. Sometimes our products are not always sent together since different shipping options can be used, depending on the product. Once an item has been shipped, you will receive a shipment notification email.

Shipping Cost & Transit Time

  1. Economic | 5-8 working days | $11.5-$15.5
  2. Standard | 3-4 working days | $12.5-$16.5
  3. Express | 1-2 working days | $14.5-$18.5

Delivery Time Exceeded

Thanks for shopping with International shipping might experience delay due to covid-19. If your order is delayed, please contact us via email, we will check the situation with the transportation company in time. Thanks for your understanding and support.

Expense of taxation

When taxes are incurred, the cost will be borne by the buyer.

Order Processing Time

(1)It is the time elapsed between when the customer places the order and when the seller hands the order over to the delivery service.
(2)Generally, orders are shipped within 2-3 working days of order confirmation/payment. Orders made on the weekends might experience delay.
(3)Our warehouse only operates on Monday – Friday during standard business hours, except on holidays. In these instances, we take steps to ensure shipment delays will be kept to a minimum.